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Glaucoma Testing

At Advanced Eye Care, we do many different test to check for glaucoma.  During every comprehensive eye exam, Dr. Washburn-Lopez will perform all of the following:​


  • Visual acuity test: a common eye chart test (with letters and images) that measures vision ability at various distances

  • Pupil dilation: widening the pupil with eye drops to allow a close-up examination of the eye's retina

  • Tonometry: a standard test to determine the fluid pressure inside the eye


If Dr. Washburn-Lopez sees signs of Glaucoma, she may perform any or all the following test:


  • Visual Field Testing: Visual field testing, also known as perimetry, is a test that measures how sensitive a person's vision is.  During a visual field test, you will look straight ahead at a small light or other target and will be asked to let the examiner know when you see a light flash off to the side in your peripheral vision.

  • Pachymetry: Pachymetry is the method of measuring the thickness of the cornea.  Although research is still being conducted on the importance of corneal thickness, pachymetry is starting to play a larger role in glaucoma testing.  The thickness of the cornea seems to influence the eye pressure reading when tonometry is performed. ​​

  • Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT): The OCT is a non-invasive test used to take cross-section pictures of the retina. The test uses light waves that are able to see the layers in the retina to determine thickness. The measurements taken by the OCT allow the doctor to diagnose and obtain treatment guidance for conditions such as glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic eye diseases, and retinal diseases.

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